Officer Agreement and Release Form


Toastmasters International requires that any candidate running for and/or holding office, whether elected or appointed, agrees to and signs the District Leader Agreement and Release Statement below. Please submit your signed statement to the chair of the District Leadership Committee (DLC). Completed statements will be submitted to the District Director. Then, only the statements of newly elected and appointed leaders will be sent to District Leader Service and Support at World Headquarters () to be kept on file.

District Leader Agreement and Release Statement

As a member of the District Executive Committee, I accept the responsibilities and duties as prescribed by the Board of Directors, in the Articles of Incorporation, in the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, in these administrative bylaws, and in standing rules or procedures adopted by the District Council of the District in which I serve, including but not limited to:

1. I take personal responsibility for my conduct, individually and as a leader of Toastmasters International.

2. I agree to abide by the principles contained in “A Toastmaster’s Promise.”

3. I will fully comply with my fiduciary duties to Toastmasters International under its governing documents and the law of the land.

4. I will refrain from any form of discrimination, harassment, derogatory, illegal, or unethical conduct, and I understand that if I engage in such conduct, I may be responsible to reimburse Toastmasters International, my club or other clubs, or other individuals involved with Toastmasters, for any damages, losses, or costs resulting from my conduct.

5. I understand that Toastmasters programs are conducted by volunteers who cannot be effectively screened or supervised by Toastmasters International or its clubs, therefore, I release and discharge Toastmasters International, its clubs, governing bodies, and representatives from any liability for the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of any member or officer of my club or other clubs, or any officer of Toastmasters International.

6. I will always conduct myself in a professional manner and adhere to the core values.

7. I confirm that I am proficient in English, as it is the official business language of Toastmasters International and is expected of all District leaders.

8. I understand that disagreements can and will occur. Therefore, I promise to focus on the issue at hand and not on the individual.

9. I understand that individual members, clubs, and Districts may not create or use their own logo to replace or supplement the Toastmasters logo and wordmark.

10. I consent to allow Toastmasters International to collect and share my information (email address, phone number, etc.) with leaders and officers within my District, when necessary, to conduct legitimate Toastmasters operations. Additionally, I agree to receive all communications from Toastmasters International World Headquarters.

11. I understand that all programs, materials, and contents are property of Toastmasters International and cannot be used for any individual, their affiliates, and/or organizations to derive any financial gains.


By signing this agreement, I acknowledge and accept the duties and responsibilities prescribed in the governing documents of Toastmasters International and other supporting documents, including, but not limited to, the District Leadership Handbook.


For District Directors, Program Quality Directors, and Club Growth Directors: I understand that August and Mid-year District Leader Training are mandatory and require my full participation, and may require me to travel internationally. I confirm that I am able to travel internationally. I agree that by signing below I am giving permission for the publication of my picture and name in the District Director Brochure. I also give permission for the use of my picture and name at the International Convention.



I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the District Leader Agreement and Release Statement. 

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