What is Toastmasters?

Toastmasters International, an organization that EMPOWERS individuals to become better communicators and leaders, is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs that meet online and in person.

In a supportive community or corporate environment, members prepare and deliver speeches, respond to impromptu questions, and give and receive constructive feedback. Through this regular practice, members are empowered to meet personal and professional communication goals.

Founded in 1924, the organization is headquartered in Englewood, Colorado with approximately 270,000 members in more than 14,200 clubs in 148 countries.

Some of our memories together...

What our members say:


I renewed with Toastmasters because I see the value in it for my personal and professional life. I see the opportunity for me to deliver precise talks and I've learned how to get to the point without all the fluff words. And my group is the best support system every! I feel safe, I feel supported, I feel acknowledged and I work to give back the same. I am taking on the PR role for my group this year and I'm looking forward to learning new things, and challenging myself in this safe space. 

Sophia Aldana

I joined Toastmasters to speak eloquently. In other words, it wasn't for poetic reasons, but I joined Toastmasters for practical reasons. Many times in my life, in the past, I felt emotions blocking intentions. There have been professional and casual settings where I could have expressed myself better. Unfortunately, till now, I opted to shut down instead of resolving the problems since I thought that was the best alternative. Recently, with much retrospection, I concluded that my strategy might not be the best alternative. Yes, I want to speak out. But the question was how. I know the journey is not going to be easy since we all tend to go back to the ways we were. Gradually and carefully, I decided to take a step-by-step approach by joining the Toastmasters. The path to better communication might be a long and tedious one. However, compared to the last time I joined back in 2017, I became aware of one more fact about me. I am ready to take this long journey.

Karen Park

I have joined Toastmaster in 2016. Since then, I completed CC, CL, ACB, ALB, ACS, ALS, ACG, DTM, TC5.

When I comes to Leadership, I have been in club leadership in various roles:

Club President

Club VPE


Club Tresurer


When I comes to District Leadership:

Club Coach

Area Director

Division Director.


These opportunities helped me to grow both personally and professionally which made me to stay active member in Toastmasters International.

Abhishek Gupta

As a teacher, it seemed like the logical thing to do to join Toastmasters on October 1st, 2012. I want to communicate clearly and inspire my students. 
I also feel that I have stories to tell. 
Twelve years,  450 speeches/training sessions and 13 paths later, I have co-founded 5 TM clubs: 3 in South Korea, one in China snd one in Canada and one Gavel Club. 
Why do I continue my membership? Simply, I want to pay it forward. 

Patrick M. Guilfoyle, DTM

I joined Toastmasters to further improve my public speaking skills and mentor others. I have learned a lot and have improved on my interviewing skills as well as my networking skills. I feel more confident when going to networking events. I have improved on my organization of speeches and my delivery of speeches. My Toastmasters journey has made a significant and positive impact on my career. I continue to renew my membership so that I can finish my pathway and teach others! 

Carolina Gonzalez

I was referred to Toastmasters by a collegue, as I managed meetings and he noticed my not so inept speaking skills. I stay because of the community, the growth, since I joined Toastmasters, in my professional life has been a large contributor. 

Andrea Jones

I joined Toastmasters to improve my communication and presentation skills but I stayed as a Toastmaster because of the friendship, networking, and mentoring.

Von Eric Tandoc
  1. I believe in the mission and values of Toastmasters and I make it a personal mission to help others become better speakers and leaders.  I mentor new club members and leaders to get the most out of the Toastmasters experience.  I volunteer with the district and hope to contribute in meaningful ways when I can. 
Lucas Stidham, DTM

In Toastmasters, we are not just an organization devoted to developing public speaking skills. We actually touch people's lives.

Last week, I recruited a new Toastmaster and in her Ice Breaker speech she said that every year I had greeted her Happy Birthday and occasionally sent her invitations to join my club. According to her, birthday after birthday, I had remembered her. That's why she joined the club. During that first meeting of hers with the club, I asked everyone present to raise their hand if they joined because I had remembered to greet them on their birthdays before they joined. And to everyone's surprise, everyone raised their hand. Most of my recruits - and I do recruit a lot every year - joined because I had greeted them on Facebook long before they joined. We touch people's lives.

A few months ago, I had the privilege of coaching a number of speakers from different clubs during contest season. All those I personally coached won 1st place or 2nd place in the Area Level contests. Many won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the Division Level contests. When a Toastmaster wins in a contest, that person feels that his or her training as a speaker is validated in a "bull ring" against equally tough competitors. The win becomes etched in that member's heart as something to remember in his or her Toastmaster's journey. We touch people's lives.

During this term, I've coached two people in the homestretch of their Toastmaster's journey, to achieve the highly coveted norm of Distinguished Toastmaster. Seeing them in pictures with their DTM plaques and the happiness in their faces is a priceless experience. We touch people's lives.

In one of the District Leaders training sessions, a Past District Governor mentioned that Toastmasters is an educational organization. But is it just that? We seem to make a difference in the lives of others - whether at work, at home, at events. The things we do create a ripple that inspires others to reach for their dreams, using what they learned in Toastmasters as a framework for moving forward. No, Mr. Past District Governor, we aren't just an educational organization. We plant the seeds that transform lives. We touch lives.

In Toastmasters, we are given the chance to make a difference in ourselves and in the lives of others. Seeds turn into trees and trees start bearing fruit. There are some things that you can't just put a price tag on. We touch lives. Because we are Toastmasters.

Ed Ramirez
I renewed my membership in two clubs in D100 and one club in District One as I want to get my 2nd DTM in July 2024. With this achievement, I hope to inspire other Toastmasters to get their DTM awards.
Norberto M Boceta

I joined Toastmasters in 1987 because I was facinated at the format where people from all walks of life can share their passion and inform others of what their life experiences have taught them. In addition I can hear and learn from so many others who share the experiences I will never have the opportunity to experience.

In my 37 years with Toastmasters I have achieved two DTM awards served as an Area Director 5 times, and Division Director once where I was awarded a President's Distinguished Division. In addition I have made countless number of friends. I stay with Toastmasters because it invigorates my sensabilities and gives me a platform to express my core beliefs and perceptions about what I hold close to my heart. It has helped me to bring my messages to other venues in my church committees and political committees.

Jack Charles Mercica

Good evening, I joined Toastmasters for the simple reason, this is what I wanted. I was always drawn to the organization but did not know how to go about registering or visiting a local club. Prior to joining Fullerton Free. I had left several messages on other TM clubs. No call back. I visited Fullerton Free. And, they welcomed me with open arms. I felt comfortable and the members were approachable. I believe the first few minutes of any interaction can make or break a potential member. Like in any organization, you get out what you put in. If you want to just hang out fir that hour and not participate, that may suit you and that’s fine. However, if you want to better yourself in terms of building self confidence and the ability to perfect you speech/presentation game, do to speak. Then, you will put forth whatever it takes! I have yet to shy away from a friendly conversation or sharing words of knowledge to a group. I completed my ice breaker within the same month I joined. I love my club and club members. I visualize being a member and having leadership roles as long as I am needed to participate in a local or national role. I believe in Toastmasters and they believe in me. In todays world, one always has to have their vibes raised and if I can raise someone’s vibes for just a minutes or from a joke or embarrassing moment I personally encountered and willing to share, I will. Contributing to humanity is a must and I am all about contributing !! thank you Angel for this opportunity to share my thoughts. 
have a great and productive day!!!




Michael Solis

I join Toastmasters on March 1, 1987 to improve being an effective communicator.  Back then, little did I know that experiencing the Toastmasters leadership journey is where I gained the most.  In the 1980's there was more focus on communication then leadership.  Members who saw something in me encouraged and motivated me to serve our members and to become a servant leader.  From working a team of leaders to start a new District, serving a number of times as a club officer, Area Governor, Division Director and leading a new District to achieve President's Distinguished as District Governor motivate me to continue serving to be elected to the Toastmasters International Board of Director was really not volunteering but become the best education I could find.  Past leaders are thrilled to be asked to provide years of experience and wisdom.

Gregory Scott

I joined  toastmasters to gain confidence in my public speaking and presentation skills. I recently joined toastmasters and have given 2 speeches so far, my club is amazing and supportive. We all help each other learn and grow.

Jacob J Domingue

I joined to gain leadership skills and I like the positive atmosphere there and ability to improve myself 

Alexander Varkey
I joined because I struggle to speak confidently in front of a gathering and wanted to improve. It helps me practice speaking in a safe environment amongst friends, and I am learning to articulate my thoughts better and share my stories more effectively.
Leena Joe
I was working full-time and doing community theatre when I added going back to graduate school. I knew something had to give. I decided I could not do theatre at the same time, but I did not want to lose the magic of connecting with my audience, and Toastmasters seemed like the way to maintain it, while controlling the amount of time it took. I am lazy. I want to do as much good in the world as possible, but I don't want to do the work. So, by helping others, I permit them to be articulate and beneficial world changers, and I don't have to do it all myself.
Michael Alexander
I joined Toastmasters because I believe in the power of effective communication. Toastmasters offers a supportive environment where I can develop my public speaking and leadership skills, which are crucial for both personal and professional growth. I'm excited about the opportunity to challenge myself, receive constructive feedback, and connect with diverse individuals who share a passion for self-improvement. Toastmasters aligns with my goals of becoming a more confident and articulate communicator, and I look forward to contributing to our club's vibrant community while honing these essential skills. I have stayed in Toastmasters for two years until the present day and continue. This incredible community continuously inspires me to push my public speaking and leadership boundaries. Toastmasters has not only equipped me with invaluable skills but also fostered lasting friendships and mentorship opportunities. It's a place where I can continually refine my abilities and give back by helping others on their journey. The supportive and encouraging environment has made Toastmasters an enduring part of my personal and professional growth.
Shilpi Chandra
I wanted to develop my public and English speaking skills. As an events host, I believe learning the proper way to deliver your messages count. The learnings, the supportive community and psychological safety made me stay.
Abegaiel de Guzman
Each member of my family and I share a special bond. However, after my eldest son graduated from Mechanical Engineering, I felt that his passion for adventure would make it difficult for us to be together often. Because of this, I had to think of something interesting for us to do. So, we both joined Toastmasters. We delivered speeches together. We joined contests together. We lost and won in Area-level and Division-level contests together. We both served as Area Director together. When his Division Director got sick, we conducted Club Officers' Training together until the District Trio arrived. We both helped each other during the online contests. We were supposed to serve as Division Director together under different Divisions, but he decided to pursue further studies. My journey has three stages. Initially, I stayed because I only wanted to learn public speaking and meet inspiring people. Then, I felt that there must be more to Toastmasters. In the second stage, I stayed because of the glamor of winning contests and serving in District roles. Then, I felt that there must be more to Toastmasters. In the third stage, I noticed that whenever I mentor someone to pursue his or her goals, I give that person's life a deeper meaning. And so, this is why I stay.
Ed Ramirez
I joined to learn English. The leadership opportunities and my friends keep me here.
Laura Kim
I joined to network with other individuals and the friendships formed over the years keep me here.
I was invited as a guest, and was intrigued by the meeting format. I returned a few times as a guest before joining. I saw the opportunity to improve my professional presenting skills since that is a good portion of my job. Pathways also gives me targeted projects to boost my skills in areas that make me a more confident presenter/speaker.I stay in Toastmasters for a few reasons. It is a safe place for me to continue to practice and refine my skills. I also stay for the comradery of my clubs and the friendships I have made there.
Jonni Taylor
I joined Toastmasters through my company to help me learn to communicate and share my ideas better. The family I have made during this time make this a meaningful and valuable experience. I constantly have opportunities for growth, challenging projects, and inspirational mentorship.
Angel Larena
I joined to improve my communication skills. Improvement is a never-ending process as we need to grow from one state to another as long as we live. I have to be a Toastmaster for life as I need to relate with people as long as I breathe.
Norberto M. Boceta

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